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 Who we are

 Shauna McVeigh - Director

I am a Chartered Occupational Psychologist. The purpose of all of my work is to elevate consciousness to enable better decision-making. I work with leaders and teams in 3 ways:


  • Awareness: I bring deep awareness to teams and leaders based on what is observed, as well what others may be seeing. Shadow behaviours are understood and models and frameworks are played in to help see a different horizon.

  • Appreciation: I help individuals and/or teams understand when behaviours are working well or less well for them. When and how do they get in the way of helping individuals or teams thrive more of the time. Perspective taking and use of head and heart are key transformers to help make shifts.

  • Action: As an action oriented individual, I ensure there are actions to help deepen understanding and/or apply techniques to facilitate real behavioural change.


I like to bring in the new and love reading and applying what I have learnt, with a particular passion for integrating head and heart techniques. I am known for my ability in creating safe places for deep challenge as I work with individuals as a coach, with teams in facilitation and with groups helping them master techniques that will make them personally more effective.


I started my career working at the airport in training, and then in HR, before joining SHL (now Gartner, CEB) as an assessment consultant.  I morphed my role into Development, heading up the Leadership Development Practice at SHL as I realised that I wanted to help individuals be the best version of themselves more of the time.  I co-founded , as a way of helping me have time for my family, my work and myself.


Qualifications in most of the Psychometrics, HPC registered Psychologist, AoDC Diploma in Executive Coaching, AOEC Master coach practitioner. I am in the advanced stages of training to become a Psychodynamic Psychotherapist with the BPF; operating a private practice with training clients. 


Current clients are in FS, Legal, Energy, Professional Services and Regulation.

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M: +44 (0) 7720 350 430

T: +44 (0) 20 3664 7557

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